Preschool Ministry

The goal of the preschool ministry at Olivet is to offer a safe and loving environment for infants and preschool aged children. Olivet strives to help parents feel confident about leaving their children in the teachers care. Sunday morning classes are divided by birth months or development and years. All teachers and caregivers are required to have a background check before they can serve in any department. The preschool ministry has a security system set up which insures all children leave with their parents. A private nursing center is also available for new mothers. On Sunday mornings extended care is offered for newborn children through 3 years of age, so parents can enjoy the morning church service. On Wednesday evenings nursery care is available for children birth through 2 years old.   If you are interested in working with our preschoolers in any capacity, ie. Sunday school, Extended Care, Children's Church or want information on our preschool ministry contact Taylor Grimes at

9:00 am  Small Group Bible Study (Sunday School)
10:15 am

Extended Care (babies through 3 year olds)

 6:30pm  Wednesday Evening Childcare


Baby Dedication

Baby dedication is a commitment you make before God, as parents, to give thanks to God and raise your children according to God’s purpose. It is our heart to partner with you as your child grows and develops their own personal relationship with God. To that end, we offer a dedication service designed to help you commit to raising your child to find and follow God usually twice a year.